Foundation Evaluation

found·a·tion:  noun \faun-‘dā-shÓ™n\

The component, or part of a building/structure, usually below ground, whose purpose/function is to transfers, distributes, and/or disperses the weight and loading of the building/structure onto the underlying earth, soil or rock formations, without overstressing that stratum. Support of a building/structure.

The foundation is a critical portion of the building/structure that supports the entire weight and loading from above; its structural integrity is of the utmost importance. Damaged foundations can compromise a building/structure’s structural integrity, ruin its worth/value, and/or even render it unsafe for use. Once a foundation has been damaged, it is oftentimes no longer strong enough to provide the support required, and requires repair.

Foundation damage can include bowing walls, leaning/tipped walls, foundation cracks, and/or uneven settlement. Legacy Engineering understands that these types of damage can be caused by a variety of factors; settlement, shifting foundations, frost heave, expanding/contracting soil, excess water, improper soil, just to name a few. We know foundation repairs can be costly, and there is no universal repair for all damage, so it is important to be certain the repair you are paying for is fixing/addressing the correct problem.

Contact Legacy Engineering today and let us assist you in reviewing all of the repair options and developing the most realistic solution for your repair to restore the structural integrity to your building or residence.

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